Comments on: ZeroWater vs. Brita vs. PUR: Who Wins? Real Product Reviews Wed, 20 Jan 2021 01:47:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: YBD Community Team Wed, 05 Dec 2018 19:06:00 +0000 In reply to Rich.

Rich, thanks for the comment!
ZeroWater’s system uses the same filtration technology that car detailers use for spot-free rinses. There’s definitely a markup to get it in a convenient countertop pitcher, but if you want to get minerals out there’s nothing else like it.

By: Rich Thu, 22 Nov 2018 13:56:00 +0000 I absolutely love this product. I purchased a zero water 12 cup . The reason I purchased it is because I filter the water that I put in my humidifier. I live in the north east and in winter it’s dry. At the end of the winter season it’s a breeze cleaning my humidifier. Before zero water l would have to soak all the internal humidifier parts in “CLR” at the end of the season to remove the lime scale, sand and whatever other junk that’s in my public water system. I used to dread this needed process. Now that I purchased a zero water 12 cup life is easy again. Note to the purchaser, the filters are expensive.

By: YBD Community Team Wed, 14 Nov 2018 21:19:00 +0000 In reply to username.

This is definitely one way to draw out the life of the filters. The only problem is tracking when the old filter is saturated enough that it starts releasing more effluent back into the outflow water, and also making sure nothing grows inside. Getting a particulate-capture (ceramic, pleated media) pre-filter set up would be more consistent, but you’ve kind of lost the point of a convenient countertop solution at that point.

By: username Fri, 02 Nov 2018 19:51:00 +0000 In reply to Laurie Walters.

Save yourself a boatload of money, and the environment from massive piles of filters: use your second ZeroWater to pre-filter the water. Then use that prefiltered water in your second unit. Should get massssive improvement in the life of your filters.

By: username Fri, 02 Nov 2018 19:42:00 +0000 In reply to Lynn Kaitz.

Save yourself a boatload of money, and the environment from massive piles of filters: get a second ZeroWater and use your old filters (I’m assuming you’re calling them old after TDS exceeds 006, yes?) to pre-filter the water. Then use that prefiltered water in the new pitcher. Should get massssive improvement in the life of your filters.

By: YBD Community Team Wed, 24 Oct 2018 00:19:00 +0000 In reply to Mak Krouse.

The TDS meter that comes with the ZeroWater pitcher is pretty simple: take to cap off, and power it on when it’s immersed in the water you want to test. The “hold” button will keep a reading paused so you can take the meter out of the water without losing the reading.

By: Mak Krouse Fri, 12 Oct 2018 01:00:00 +0000 How do u use the meter

By: Danielle Emond Tue, 09 Oct 2018 14:01:00 +0000 We have Zero Water and my son has a Brita. I can tell you that the water used for our coffee machines (Keurig) in each household is from our Zero Water filtered water and in my son’s home from his Brita. Same coffee used and I can guarantee OUR coffee is BETTER tasting and yet it’s the same coffee. The difference is the water. Zero Water is MUCH MUCH BETTER than Brita!!!

By: Terrye Davidson Davis Tue, 09 Oct 2018 05:45:00 +0000 In reply to Lynn Kaitz.

We used to live in Eloy, AZ and the water was terrible. I tried a filter but it didnt help so we bought our water.

By: Jst1man Sat, 06 Oct 2018 23:01:00 +0000 Hi, I live by lake Berryessa CA, and the minerals in the water are extreme. On a good day we have like 100-150ppm. On a bad day when it’s hot, it goes up to 300-350+ ppm. Now with the Brita we see a 70-100 on good days and 200-300 on bad, while zero you go through filters faster, but is still 000. . Zero water we go threw 1 filter every 3-4 weeks regularly, Brita is the same length of time, but you can still smell cholrine . Berryessa has seen high alge rates also, so anything is better here. At night the smell of the water is like a pool on bad day since they recycle water here. I challenge anyone to that test.
