Picture this: Your morning routine without a commute. No traffic, no shoulder bumping and no pseudo breakfasts as you’re rushing out the door. With the rise of working from home in the U.S., this scenario is not uncommon anymore. The demand for flexible working environments and advancement in technology has encouraged companies to offer employees […]
Sarah Archer

Table of contents Supplies Driving Create a space Dog-proofing Eating and drinking Health Microchipping Pet insurance Bonding Visitors Socializing Daily routine Bringing a new pet home is a big change for you and your family, but you can’t forget that it’s also a stressful adjustment for your new dog. Whether you’re bringing home a puppy […]
Are you susceptible to a home burglary? Good news: burglary rates are dropping in the U.S. But, that doesn’t mean you should neglect the potential for a burglary in your neighborhood. We took a deep dive into the facts involving burglaries in the U.S. to understand more behind the mind of the burglar, and to […]
Do you get frustrated when trying to fold a fitted sheet? You’re not alone. Our team tried multiple methods recommended by professional organizers and through much deliberation, we found the best way to keep your linen closet looking organized, fitted sheets included, is to follow the folding technique we’ve outlined below. All you need is […]
Hardwood floors are not only an aesthetically pleasing upgrade in a home, but they are known to be the more sanitary option and require low maintenance. If maintained and cleaned properly, they can last a lifetime (or longer), while carpet needs to be replaced every 10 to 15 years. Learn how to clean and maintain […]
Keeping your carpet free of stains is no easy feat. Accidents happen, and although at first glance it may seem impossible to remove the stain, there are many tricks you can try to make your carpet look good as new. Learn more about how you can clean up every type of stain below with our […]
After 50+ hours of researching, testing, tasting coffee, and even more analyzing consumers' concerns, we found the OXO - On Barista Brain to be best drip coffee maker with a modern design and delicious brew.